Saturday, 4 August 2018


I am playing with words here. I am referring to the choice of choosing sending your ageing parents to a home or centre to be cared for or employing care givers to go to your home to care for your ageing parents.

I received a call one day, just like any normal day I get many calls asking for help and suggestions on how to take care of their parents. It was from an Indian male professional, race is added in not as a racist comments but to emphasize the ageing parent issues are not a problem for a particular race or nationality. Just so happened this happened to be an Indian man. I get calls like this from all races.

This man told me that he has problem with getting reliable maid to care for his father. They all ran away after two to three months.

I said, "Wait, let me guess. "Your maid worked 24/7 without rest right?"

He replied, "Yes"

I said, "Brother with working conditions  like that even I want to run away."

It is very common to get family members turning to  cheap maids to care for their ageing parents. They treat them like a maid and expect them behave like a care giver. The rationale in the mind of many family members who hired care givers was,"After my mom or dad slept, they have time to do other things." Very often, family members try to fill up the leisure hours of the caregiver.

Important note: Caregiver is not a maid, their job is to care, they are entitled to their rest. If they don't rest they cannot do their job.

So let care givers be care givers, if you think paying a maid RM1,200 to care for your parents and to do house work is what you wanted them to do, good luck to you .

So when do one decides on care at a elderly home or care in their own home? In Malaysia it is usually when it is medically impossible and physically draining and financially limitations do Malaysians send their parents to an elderly home.

If one can afford RM4,500 monthly then they can choose having caregivers caring for their parents at their own home.

Sending ones parents to a elderly home is a traumatic experience with a few psychological and emotional consequences. The elderly will feel abandonment and rejection, while the children will fell useless for not able to care for their parents themselves.

Whichever options appear, one can only take it one step at a time.

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