Saturday, 15 February 2020


I get these questions.

“How do you find passionate people for this job?” or “ How do you make sure that the person has a passion for old people?”
“Why can’t you hire locals to do the job?”
“Why can’t you get Chinese nurses?”

I have candid answers to all these questions and also a question of my own. (haha)


Easy, in assisted living centres it is a 24/7 job with shifts thrown in. The jobs involved cleaning the body, washing backside, cleaning feces, cleaning wounds, feeding, carrying a deadweight elderly, turning a deadweight elderly, cleaning the centres, washing dirty linens, listening to complaints, hearing the elderly moan I pain. These are not the top of the list jobs for anyone, let alone passionate about. No one can lie that they like these jobs. The jobs itself eliminates any pretenses.

I know many people who are members of religious organisations, NGOs, companies and festive well-wishers took loads of pictures visiting places like elderly centres once a year. They will appear singing, playing games and then post in their social media that the people are sad lonely and children don’t care for them and what not. That is not passion, that is self-gratification. For some doing good means feeling good, for some means buying credits to go to heaven or better after life, for some it is CSR to show how loving the companies or organizations are.

Passion is when someone is prepared to work, live, laugh, cry and mourn with and for the elderly 24/7, day in day out for a reasonably good salary. These same people could have gotten something better elsewhere. I have known and worked with many nurses who could have gone to Singapore and earn the big bucks, but they didn’t. I have caregivers who could have worked in supermarket or somewhere else for the same money, but they didn’t.

Once, a lady came to me looking for a job, she told me a beautiful story of how she loved old people. So I said ok, you start today and now. Within 2 hours she came to me saying she cannot take it and elderly care is not for her.  Many mistaken the joy of the moment during a festive visit giving angpau and oranges and singing as passion, it is not.


Same reason as why 80% of people working in Chinese restaurants are not Chinese. It is hard work and in elderly care it is shift work. Only really passionate people or desperate people who need jobs will do it. Like foreigners who came searching for better living. The locals who can do this job are foreigners in other countries earning their money for a better living in Malaysia.

I worked in UK over 30 years ago both legally and illegally once and I know what it was like to earn the British Pound. At that time in Malaysia my salary working in bank was RM500. After completing my study in UK I worked albeit illegally for sometime and earned 800 pounds in a Chinese restaurant at RM5 to a British Pound. So you do the maths.

Same goes with local caregivers and nurses they also need to earn the big bucks.

The locals are not actually afraid of hard work, they do all the difficult, dangerous and dirty jobs too, it is all about economics.


OK most centres’ clients are Chinese and they like to say, “Oh, my mom only understand Chinese, Hokkien, Cantonese or Malay, I am worried she has no one to talk to, do you have Chinese speaking staff?”

The answer is yes, can you afford it? Like I mentioned above most locals, especially Chinese  also want the big bucks for a better living for their family.  In the elderly industry if one can speak Chinese or they are Chinese, they will be either ,the owner of the centre, or working in a bigger establishment like hospitals or pharmaceutical companies or working in Dubai, Singapore and Australia.

So my solution to all, make sure you learn foreign language before you check into an elderly centre.


This if especially for the Malaysian parents, “Would you let your children work as a care giver for elderly?”

No need to answer, in fact don’t bother to answer. We all knew the answers.

The usual retorts I get are, “This job so difficult I cannot let my children do it?” or “My children are degree holders in finance, law, IT and what not, they are over qualified to do this job.”

Now what the first retort means is that the elderly are too difficult to handle so it is not suitable for your children. Which means, that one day when you are old, you will be too difficult to handle for other people too. Ironic.

The second retort says that there is a class system at work here via education and through education levels ones station in life are determined. This means that when one is old they do not deserve the best of the best, and then moan about the quality of people in aged care. I can sense people squirming to my statement here, but that’s the truth.

Now your question to me is, “You talk so much, what about your children, are they in aged care?”

The answer is, “YES, my son is under training to be a caregiver, my daughter is working with me” now how about you?


  1. Realy Great Work to take care human. God bless you and Ministry.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, need that from time to time
