Wednesday, 9 March 2022


"Balancing Compassion and Business in Aged Care Centers: A Reflection on Caregiver Dynamics"

In the realm of aged care, it's not uncommon to encounter caregivers who, while providing essential services, may lack a deep sense of compassion. These individuals, whom I refer to as 'Incidental Carers and Professionals,' are not inherently bad people, and their motivations often stem from pragmatic reasons rather than malice. Understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon can shed light on potential solutions for fostering a more compassionate care environment.

Reasons for Care Without Compassion:

  1. Need to Put Food on the Table:
    Many caregivers fall into the caregiving profession out of economic necessity. Foreign maids, constrained by their job descriptions, and individuals bound by socio-economic constraints often find themselves in caregiving roles. These circumstances limit their choices and job options.

  2. Limited Job Options:
    Some individuals, especially those not academically inclined or seeking higher education opportunities, may enter the aged care industry due to limited job options or parental influence.

Solving the Compassion Issue:

Building Systemic Compassion Structure:

  1. Build Systems with Compassion as a Foundation:
    Integrate compassion into the core of caregiving systems. Establish schedules ensuring care activities are performed, and implement Well-Being programs for residents. Recognize that compassion and systematic care are interconnected; both must be prioritized for an effective caregiving environment.

  2. Build Your Business on the Foundation of Love:
    Business owners of care centers must infuse compassion into their core beliefs. While profits are essential, prioritizing the greater good and genuinely believing in the positive impact on the community is paramount. Aged care is an embodiment of economics, love, and compassion.

  3. Build Your System on a Higher Moral Ground:
    Make decisions and establish processes on a higher moral ground. Ask the question, "Do I have no regrets?" and ensure that your actions align with sound philosophies and solid moral values. Strive to do your best, even in challenging circumstances.

In Conclusion:

While caring without compassion may be possible, it is often stressful for caregivers and may not be a sustainable approach. Those who endure likely face personal challenges, making it crucial to acknowledge their circumstances. Balancing compassion and business in aged care requires building systemic structures infused with compassion, establishing businesses on the foundation of love, and adhering to higher moral values. By doing so, we create a holistic and sustainable approach to caregiving, ensuring both the well-being of caregivers and the quality of care provided to the elderly.

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