Monday, 23 March 2020


On 1 April 2019 I was appointed home director of The Mansion, Jalan Gasing. The conversation with the CEO was clear and that is  to achieve 35 residents by end June 2019 or else I go, fair. At the time of appointment, The Mansion has 28 residents, so 7 was not a tall order.

By 1 July, I achieved full house with 44 residents at an average of RM5.5k per residents. The full house status was maintained till today March 2020. 

Most important of all I promised the Management that within 6 months I will build a team that can run without me. That's what I do I duplicate myself.

That too is accomplished.

Then when The Mansion Sri Aman started In October, I went over to be part of the set up team. I brought along two staff whom I have hired  groomed to supervise. 

Within the first month, October, we had 4 residents which immediately made us operationally sustainable.

We were operationally sustainable from October till we hit full house of 23 residents in February 2020, slightly less than 5 months. And oh at a fee of RM6, 500 per residents

Likewise as I pen this end of contract message I am sure both the team that I had groomed can manage The Mansion effectively and efficiently.

Of course, the pandemic is a different ball game all together.

Effectively on 17 March I am to let the management take back both centres. This is normal to ensure smooth transition.

So while the pandemonium is going around I was rewarded  my full final fee, 14 days transitional days off and no worries of this Covid Lockdown issues.

My success at the Mansion is definitely not about me alone but about the team and people I worked with. Yes I am good at building teams that last, but it  depends on the materials and people I got. All my success I give glory to God who took me through this and many other journeys over the years.

To the team I built and come to love as friends and family, may you grow and prosper in all you do.

To the management, thank you for the opportunity to make something good, great.

Till we meet again.

Former Home Director of The Mansion

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