Thursday, 26 March 2020


Over the course of me developing training programmes for carers and operators i was always intrigued with the Doctors Hypocritical oath and the nurses' Nightingale oath. So i starting searching for a care givers oath and i found it. except for the first oath, all the rest i took it from a carer's website but i have modified it a little to suit the elderly care industry.


1) I will care for each elderly person as my parent and their children become my brothers and sisters and we are one big extended family.

2) I understand that I can’t care for anyone else if I don’t also care for myself. I will keep an image in my mind of putting the oxygen mask on myself first.

3) I will remember that the only person I can change is myself. I cannot change the person under my care who is ill, nor their family members.

4) I will find opportunities to laugh, daily. These might come in movies, jokes, television, or with friends who can see the humor in my situation and remind me to do the same.

5) I will get away from my caregiving duties on a regular basis, even if it is just to walk around the block. But I will also find ways to have lunch with a friend, go to a movie, window shop, breathe in fresh air, watch the sunset, or have an ice cream.

6) I will visit a support group, either online (at or in person in my community, so that I know that I am not alone. If a support group isn’t right for me, I will find a friend to talk to, call my family consultant, or attend a workshop.

7) I will learn as much as I can about the person under my care’s illness so I can better care for him or her with understanding. I will learn techniques that will make caregiving easier for both of us.
8) I will say “yes” when people offer to help from colleagues, other residents and family members. When there are not offers, I will ask for help, even though it might be hard to do so.

9) I will use community resources—such as college , NGOs, government and elderly support groups and volunteer —to help make my caregiving duties easier.

10) I will find something I really like to do and make sure I find time to do it on a regular basis. Just because I am a caregiver doesn’t mean I have to give up everything that is meaningful to me. I will read, knit, garden, scrapbook, cook or any hobbies for a designated period of time every week.
11) I will remember that I am loved and appreciated, even when the person I am caring for can’t tell me that.

12) I will honor the nurturing, responsibility, caring, and support that I provide to those under my care as a gift I give.

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