Saturday, 28 March 2020


Being in the elderly care industry for 20 years helps me to realise that the hardest people to work with are the family members, their spouses, children , relatives and so on.

There are many dynamics to their behaviours and the hassle some of them gave the care organisations and the staff.

As carers, we get blamed for injuries, bedsores, bruises, sickness and general decline of the elderlies health. We get accused quite often for being incompetent, being called stupid. Accused of stealing. Get scolding for occasional missing medication or wrong timing. Being scolded for giving the food which the family members decreed out of bound for their loved ones.

And you know what, it is ok with me and the carers because we knew one thing that the family members don't, even though they think they knew.
We know why the family members get anxious and why they behave the way they did.
There are many reasons:

1. They wanted us to do what they wanted to do. This is a case of expectations. Many family members have a mental image of what kind of care and how their loved ones are to be cared.

2. They want things to happen now. Which of course very often it does not happen that way, so they get frustrated.

3. Most are taught and educated with how problems should be solved, cause and effect. This problem this solution. But reality with elderly and care is not a straight line. This leads to frustration.

4. Their ego dented with the knowledge that with all their wealth, intelligence and knowledge they need to let a much lower qualified, lower salary individuals to care for their mother. Afterall in this society , wealth, big cars and house equals ability and success. And with all those success they cannot care for their parents.

These family members and children are the most pitiful and in need of compassion.
For the readers of this post please do not judge them but pray for them. They do live their parents or spouse.

For caregivers, please continue to love and uphold the family members, they need the care and love too.
The only way to reduce their anxieties is to be the best caregivers we can be . One who understand the elderlies, one who also understand the dynamics of family members.

May the peace of the good Lord be with us all.

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